In nature, there are many opportunities that can be used for decoration and aesthetics of the home. They are the preferred choice due to their natural style and appearance. They create an authentic natural atmosphere. An example of this are river stones. They are oval and smooth rocks that are used in the interior and exterior. The richness of shape and colors make them an optimal solution for decoration. It is not allowed to get river stones directly from the rivers, because they are of fundamental importance for water protection. Therefore, they must be purchased from specialty stores for this. Using these stones you can decorate the garden, fountain, small pond. They are especially suitable for creating Japanese gardens. They are ideal for alleys and paths in the yard. These are just some of the ideas on how river stones could be used. They are a great option in design and inside the home. The natural look of the stones give a feeling of a homely look. They can be painted in the tone we want in order to suit the respective room or living room. Figures can be painted on the stones. They are an ideal decoration for various rooms, souvenirs can be made from them. Arranged like a mosaic, they are used for original mats or carpets. River stones are widely used in hotels, their decoration and decoration, as well as in spas.
Металик каменни плочи за облицовка с ръчно избити ръбчета на размери 10/15/20см ширина и свободна дължина. Пасват идеално както за интериорни решения така и за екстериорни облицовки, фасади и др. Неоформени плочи едри и дребни за облицовкаи настилка. Каменна зидария Металик. ''Кокали'' и оформени плочи за декорация и цокъл.
Ivailovgradski gneiss - beige, silver gray and mix.
Бял Мъх за облицовка
Зелен оформен и неоформен гнайс за облицовка и настилка. Каменни плочи по-дребни и по-едри за цокъл, за огради, за стъпала, за интериорни и екстериорни декоративни стени, за фасада и др.
Сетове мрамор и травертин или плочи за басейн. Няма по-добър избор от естествените материали! Здрави, издържливи и неповторимо красиви в естествени цветове и блясък.