White Travertine Slabs Size 30.5cm / 61cm / 1.2cm F/H V.C The plates are filled, matted without hollows. White travertine slabs of size 30.5 cm/ 61 cm/ 1.2 cm F/H V. - an extremely classic solution for your home! The beautiful plates are practical in use, filled, frosted and without hollows. The beige color and well-shaped slabs allow you to install travertine stone outside or in the bathroom, living room, living room, hallway, etc. With Turkish travertine you will create unique accents, at top prices and first class quality! The product is kept in stock in large quantities in the SIM2007 warehouse. Order from us with fast delivery! Special prices for distributors and construction companies. The product is kept in stock in large quantities in the SIM2007 warehouse. Address: Sofia, 125 Ring Road St Special prices for distributors and construction companies.